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Using Employee Benefits to Attract the Best Staff

By: Emma Jones - Updated: 24 Mar 2012 | comments*Discuss
Benefits Employee Package Recruit

Good employee benefits can make a regular salary look a lot more attractive. When you are trying to recruit and retain the best staff for your business, you want to make the job seem appealing. By offering a strong, flexible benefits package you may be able to attract high flyers away from other companies and into yours. Make sure you let them know what is available, make it flexible and be sure that you are able to administer it effectively.

Tell Them About It

There is no point having a great benefits package in place if nobody you are trying to recruit knows about it. Mention it in the job ad or through the recruitment agency and then explain it further at the interview stage. You are trying to sell your company and the job role to this potential employee so don’t be shy about letting them know that you take employee benefits seriously.

Be Flexible

While you may think that the best employee benefit is a company car, a working mum may be much more enticed by childcare vouchers. A younger employee may want gym membership while someone further along in their career may be focused on their pension. Not everybody is the same and their benefits needs and desires will be different. By offering a flexible benefits package where employees can make their own choices, you will make it more appealing to a wider range of potential staff.

Administer Them Well

So you’ve convinced your great new employee to join the company on the strength of your benefits package. Now you have to deliver what you have promised. There is no point attracting great staff with introductory offers that you then can’t follow through. Whether you administering benefits in-house, or are outsourcing them, make sure that they are handled effectively and that the people administering them are well trained and understand what they are doing.

Retaining Staff

It is all very well attracting great staff but you need to be able to retain them. Make sure that you have incentives in place so that when they are promoted or exceed targets, you can reward them. Also, think about your existing staff. If you are rolling out a benefits package for new employees you need to work out how to extend it to the rest of the company so they don’t become disillusioned. Keeping your staff happy and contented will increase their productivity and their loyalty to the company.

To recruit the best staff for your company you need to make an offer that they can’t refuse. Topping up their salary with a strong benefits package will be very appealing. Make sure that you are being flexible and ready to meet the needs to different employees and be sure that you tell candidates about it. Once you have convinced them to join your company you need to follow through with the package and administer it effectively. Also, think about how you can offer incentives as staff progress and treat all your employees equally.

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